
Connect via SSH to Ubuntu container at Synology

2022年1月8日 — I am learning Docker and have taken my first steps. My goal is to put a web app (Pyhthon + Mariadb) that I have developed locally on my ...

Container Manager

Browse, download, and run containers created by developers from around the globe. Streamlined resource management. Effortlessly reallocate and reuse ...

Creating a container | Docker

Creating a container. In this page, you will be guided through the basic steps of container creation. Searching and downloading images. In the Registry tab, ...

How to Install Webtop on Your Synology NAS

2023年2月2日 — Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it webtop. Follow the instructions in the image below. Note: Be careful to enter only ...

Network Settings | Docker

This page will guide you through setting up and managing Docker Network. Overview. Synology Docker allows you to set up the following network interface drivers:.

Setting up Ubuntu on Docker in Synology

2023年7月18日 — Looking to setup Ubuntu on Docker in Synology, but can't see any guides where I can ensure the proper folders are setup for data to be saved ...

Setting up XRDP in Ubuntu Docker on Synology NAS

2023年12月22日 — Docker package installation and container port settings. Access the Synology NAS GUI. Then search for Docker in Package Center and install it.

Ubuntu GUI from Docker?

2021年12月16日 — I'm running Ubuntu in Docker on my NAS and was wondering if/how I could run the Ubuntu desktop GUI? Any help would be appreciated.

請教桌機怎樣連接到NAS Docker 裏面的虛擬ubuntu ? (想用 ...

2015年12月21日 — 嗨最近剛買synology NAS,用裡面的Docker裝了一個虛擬的ubuntu12,發現ip 是172.17.0.4,而NAS ip 是192.168.2.7 ,外面桌機是192.168.2.34, ...


2022年1月8日—IamlearningDockerandhavetakenmyfirststeps.Mygoalistoputawebapp(Pyhthon+Mariadb)thatIhavedevelopedlocallyonmy ...,Browse,download,andruncontainerscreatedbydevelopersfromaroundtheglobe.Streamlinedresourcemanagement.Effortlesslyreallocateandreuse ...,Creatingacontainer.Inthispage,youwillbeguidedthroughthebasicstepsofcontainercreation.Searchinganddownloadingimages.IntheRegistrytab, .....

Synology NAS 如何掛載其他網路芳鄰磁碟機?

Synology NAS 如何掛載其他網路芳鄰磁碟機?
